Thursday, February 24, 2011

I am deeply concerned about the state of affairs in our country, and in our state. The system is broken, and something must be done to heal it.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Right Candidate

I am deeply concerned that the right candidate is elected governor of California. I strongly feel that Meg Whitman is the best choice. I am not being paid by her to say this, I just have a strong feeling in the pit of my stomach that she is the best candidate for the position. Both candidates have baggage, but in my opinion, Jerry Brown has more. I urge you to examine both candidates carefully, and you will see that my hunch is right. I solicit feedback from you.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The importance of Electing Meg Whitman

We must at all costs elect Meg Whitman as governor because we cannot afford Jerry Brown. If elected he will raise taxes to the point where families will not be able to survive. He has never been married, and he cannot begin to understand the emotional trauma that financially strapped families are experiencing. His father was once governor of California, and the position was passed down to him. Does he know what it means to lose a job, lose his home, lose his self-worth? I think not. Meg Whitman worked hard to achieve her goal. Being married she knows how families are feeling. She understands how to balance a budget and live within her means. We need a governor who cares, and is determined to turn California around. That is why I am supporting Meg Whitman.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Vote for Donald

I wish to thank all those voters in the fifth district assembly region for casting your vote for me. I put up a good fight but fell short. I am disappointed because I worked night and day to secure this seat. However, I learned a long time ago that one can come back from a defeat. I am determined to use my voice and my influence to bring prosperity back to California and to restore the confidence of its citizens in State leaders. I will never give up because I may have a streak of luck before I die.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Vote for Donald

My Platform
I am seeking this position because I have a deep concern for the fifth district and the State of California.
As I look around me I have witnessed scores of individuals who have lost their jobs, their homes, their businesses and even their vehicles because of the awful economy. As a result many have lost their self-worth and their motivation to go on. This should not be happening in the greatest State in our nation, California, which by far out numbers the population of the other 49 States.
Some drastic changes need to be made in our system because it is severely broken and needs to be fixed quickly so that people can once again experience prosperity and feel good about themselves and their government.
I want to help bring about these necessary changes in our State, and I would appreciate your support. If you wish to help in my campaign or contribute financially, I would be grateful. Also, your comments and suggestions are welcome. You can contact me by phone at (916) 284-7309 or by email:
I want to make a difference. What about you?
My Goals
To reduce taxes, thus putting more money back into the pocket books of families and individuals
To protect proposition 13 in order to keep property taxes affordable.
To help create jobs so that individuals can earn a decent living and thus help jump start the economy.
To help families and individuals stay in their homes.
To help small businesses survive and thrive in California.
To crack down on identity thieves by giving them stiffer sentences.
To promote adequate police protection in our communities
To keep violent offenders in prison, serving out the time in which they were originally sentenced.
To provide quality education for our children without raising taxes.
To promote strong family values.
To balance the State budget in a reasonable time thus alleviating stress of citizens who are dependent on State funds.