Thursday, April 29, 2010

Vote for Donald

Many of you are fed up with the political system in California, and you want new blood in the legislature. A number of you have personally asked me if I am a professional politician because you do not wish to cast your vote for such a person. I can assure you that I am not a professional politician, and that is the reason why I am a candidate for fifth district assembly. I want to see some drastic changes in our system because it is severly broken and needs immediate attention. Professional politicians have dragged their feet, looking out only for their own advancement and not yours. If I am elected to the legislature I will put you first, and myself last. I will help create new jobs, help you keep your home, your small business and your vehicle. It is time to throw out the old and bring in the new. The old guard has failed us, and they must be swept out the door. I truly care about you, and that is why I am a candidate. I would appreciate your feedback.


  1. severely*

    I can tell you're very passionate about running for state assembly, and I support most or all of your beliefs. I have yet to research the other five candidates, but I think you make a good impression in your written blog. The videos serve to remind viewers that you are a "real person" rather than a professional politician, but they do seem a bit over the top.

  2. Felicia:

    Thank you for your message. I came in second place in the election because the front runner bought the election. You are right- I am a real person, and I would have shown it if elected.
